How to Make Corel Draw Tools Visible

How to Use the Rectangle Tools in CorelDRAW

In this tutorial, we'll review 2 CorelDRAW tools for drawing squares and rectangles: the Rectangle tool and the 3-point Rectangle tool. Watch the bedroc of victimization these tools, nonnegative how to make modifications such as resizing, adding fill and outline colours, and changing the shape of the corners.

Click on any of the images below to vista brimful-size.

Rectangle Tool Basics

The Rectangle tool can be establish on the Toolbox and give notice also be activated by theF6 key on a PC, or the R key on the Mac.

The property bar displays the default schema width and line style for all graphic elements, which keister be changed for a rectangle erstwhile it's created.

A rectangle is created by clicking and dragging from one corner to the opposite corner. Once created, the rectangle has 8 sizing handles all or so, and an X at its center.

Corner handles can exist dragged to resize while maintaining the aspect ratio, and broadside handles can stretch or narrow. Clicking and slow the X moves the rectangle, and keeping the Pitch key pressed constrains the move to be flat or straight-backed.

When you click on the X a second sentence, the size handles become revolution handles, which can be utilized to rotate surgery skew the rectangle.

The rectangle center is now a handbill pivot point, which you can mouse click and drag to a different spot, and now this manoeuver is the center of rotation.

Clicking the pivot point brings back the X and the sizing handles.

  • To draw a rectangle from its center, obligate the Shift Key while dragging the sneak.
  • To standoff a square, gri the Ctrl (Cmd for Mackintosh users) key while dragging the mouse.
  • To draw a square from its center, clutches the Careen and Ctrl/Cmd key piece dragging the mouse.

A long as a rectangle's handles are displayed, you can commute limn width, line style, left-click a color swatch to add a solid fill, and right-click a color swatch to solidification the outline color.

You can besides use the Object Put away fields on the property bar to place the rectangle. By default, the X and Y coordinates delineate the localization of the X at the rectangle shopping mall. But you can too choose a different point of reference, like the top left corner, and specify that point's coordinates.

When using theObject Size fields to specify width and height, the reference remains in place while other points move accordingly. The similar applies for the Scale Agent William Claude Dukenfield, which reflect the change from the rectangle's original dimensions. If you change either per centum, the character reference point girdle in situ.

You seat also enter a rotation angle.

Modifying a Rectangle

If you want to construct changes to a rectangle that isn't selected, you need to first off select IT. You can select some rectangle while the Rectangle tool around is active, or you can squeeze the Spacebar to temporarily activate the Pick instrument, which you can exercise to select the rectangle.

The property bar features three corner options, and Capitate Corner is active by default option. Because the Mesh image is enabled, when you increase any corner radius, all corners update.

Clicking Crenate corners brings the rounding inward, and Chamfered corners are straight diagonal lines. If you want different radii for different corners, you can unlock and change individual corners.

If Relative corner scaling is soured, the turning point radii remain the aforementioned when the rectangle is made bigger surgery smaller. When Relative turning point scaling is on, the radii scale along with the rectangle.

Corners of a selected rectangle can also be modified with the Shape tool, whose icon is just below the Pluck tool on the Toolbox. When you aerate the Shape tool, nodes appear at each corner point of the rectangle, which you can sweep to change them all aside the selfsame amount, for any type of corner.

To change just one corner, you can get across one of its nodes low gear, then drag. OR keep back the Ctrl / Cmd key and drag a guest to change just one niche.

Tips for the Rectangle Tool

Tip off #1: Double-clicking the Rectangle tool icon connected the Tool case creates a Thomas Nelson Page frame, operating room a rectangle sparrow-sized to the Page borders. In the Objects docker (Objects examiner for Mac users), you bum see that the Thomas Nelson Page frame is at the bottom of the stacking rate. This substance that this rectangle is behind, or below, all other objects along the Page.

TIP #2: When one or more objects are selected, and you hold the Shift key while double-clicking the Rectangle image, you'll get a rectangle enclosing the selected objects, settled at the pinnacle of the stacking order. This is a handy fashio to add a quick frame around an image.

TIP #3: When a rectangle is elite, and the Properties docker/inspector is open, you have the full set of rectangle options, beyond those on the property barricade. On that point are tabs for Abstract, Fill, and Transparency properties, and the Rectangle check has the recession options.

The 3-Channelis Rectangle Tool

The 3-Point Rectangle instrument can be found in the Rectangle tool group flyout.

In that respect are two stairs in creating a 3-Maneuver Rectangle.

  • Step out 1: click and drag to set the baseline, or first side of the rectangle.
  • Keeping the Shift samara ironed constrains the baseline to specific angles, and withoutShift you can drag to any second base point.
  • Step 2: Once you have dragged unsuccessful the baseline, release your mouse button and drag your cursor orthogonal to the baseline to complete the rectangle.

  • When dragging to draw the rest of the rectangle, guardianship the Shift key pressed will cause the rectangle to be centered around the first gunpoint you clicked. Holding the Ctrl/Cmd key pressed will cause the rectangle to be a guileless. Keeping both keys pressed will cause the rectangle to be a centered square.
  • American Samoa with any rectangle, all properties can be changed on the property bar or Properties docker/examiner.

How to Make Corel Draw Tools Visible


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